Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Hush Hush

Shhh. Can I let you in on a secret? Don’t tell Franky…

A little while ago now, Pipstar and I found ourselves feeling quite tempted by the ridiculous sale one of our budget airlines was having. With laugh-cheap flights to tropical places we couldn’t resist and quickly nabbed some tickets. Now that the time has come, I’m treating myself to a surprise Spring trip to the Gold Coast!
Boy will I like it. I’ll be flying up with Pipstar tomorrow morning and staying two nights in a handy 4 star hotel (also cheap rates from The weather up there is already warming up, while Sydney lags through Spring, so it’ll be a great opportunity to get a bit of practice in for Summer.
My bags are packed, my legs waxed and my toenails polished. All I have to do now is spring the news on myself, hopefully before I start to suspect anything, (why are my legs so silky smooth?) right after work today. I’m a little jealous of myself right now, to tell the truth, but I deserve it… don’t I?
Have fun in Queensland Franky!
As for you, little blog, she’ll see you when she gets back.


Sarah said...

I still have no ACCEPTABLE outfit to accompany my sexy new Mollinis. I'm working on it though... Got a green skirt to start with... vision entails pink ribbed singlet top, dangly beads and earrings- home made I think! Mmm.

Border Trench Safaris said...

You're bringing your knitting? Pipstar said it was to be three days and nights of bikinis and drunken dancing? She didn't say anything about knitting.

(p.s. you guys have a great time--sounds wonderful)