Wednesday, November 10, 2004

LONG weekend in Buninyong

The Professor and I have just come back from a quick weekend visit to his folks in pretty old Buninyong, Victoria. Apparently, someone has forgotten to let the grumpy southern state know that is in fact SPRING time here in Australia and that daily temperatures of 10 degrees C and below is really rather ridiculous! Had the sun not made a brief appearance yesterday, I would wonder if he’d been offended by something down there…

Weather aside, we had five glorious days, eating, sleeping in, taking brisk afternoon walks and generally enjoying the cosiness of lazing around indoors with books, music and good conversation. The ideal break before the last big push of study and work and the madness of the Christmas season ahead!


Anonymous said...

My first effort! Had to go annon, as the computer or site kept on refusing any names and addresses I chose.Hope this makes it through. Glad to hear that your nan is improving. Weather down south has had its highs and lows, but when one is indoors and passionately artisting around, who notices. New members to our family, you would be pleased to know, four new Isa Brown Chooks,still too young to lay, but keen to explore their new habitat. Gemma the Whippet should be happier and more occuppied with the friendly four, not yet named... any ideas for names?

Sarah said...

New Chooks! Sorry I missed that.
I'll have a think about names...